
April 23, 2024Comments are off for this post.

Why Cooler Weather is the Best time to Revitalise your Skin

With the colder months reducing your exposure to the harsh sun, it's an ideal time to explore treatments that can rejuvenate and repair your skin, leaving it ready to glow by the time spring arrives. We recommend these Top 5 Skin Treatments for Autumn/Winter.

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April 10, 2024Comments are off for this post.

The best non-surgical treatments for Festoons or Malar Bags

Festoons, commonly referred to as Malar Bags or Under Eye Bags, are a significant aesthetic concern for many, characterized by saggy, bag-like swellings below the eyes, over the cheekbones. These features can often give an appearance of constant fatigue or illness. If you’re struggling with festoons or malar bags read on for our top recommendations.

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April 10, 2024Comments are off for this post.

Autumn Hair Shedding. Is it normal?

Discovering more hair than usual in your shower drain can be concerning, however, this is often a normal part of the seasonal hair loss cycle. The shift to autumn's drier air can also make your hair brittle and more prone to breaking. Even an increase in stress factors can lead to a condition known as telogen effluvium.
See our top tips to managing autumn hair shedding.

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February 20, 2024Comments are off for this post.

7 Ways to Reduce Open Pores

Do you suffer from enlarged pores? While it is not possible to completely eliminate pores as they are needed for normal skin function, we can reduce them in size. Most of the treatments used to minimise the look of pores work to either reduce sebum production and/or increase collagen in the skin. 

Here are 7 of the BEST tips or treatments for reducing open or enlarged pores.

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January 23, 2024Comments are off for this post.

Skin Treatments 101

With the huge variety of Skin Treatments on the market, it’s challenging to work out what treatment is best for you and your skin type. So we’ve pulled together this 101 guide to help provide you with a snapshot of what’s available, and the benefits of each treatment.

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December 22, 2023Comments are off for this post.

The Ultimate Summer Skin Guide

Everyone’s skin is different and reacts differently to the sun. Ever wondered what type of skin you have? Here are some top skin tips to keep top of mind in Summer.

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September 20, 2023Comments are off for this post.

Unlocking Youthful Skin: The Ultimate Guide to Bio-Remodelling Injections

In the ever-evolving world of skincare, bio-remodelling injections have emerged as a cutting-edge solution for achieving youthful, radiant skin. This groundbreaking treatment taps into the body's natural processes to stimulate collagen and elastin production, effectively reversing the signs of aging. In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve into the science behind bio-remodelling injections and explore how this innovative approach can help you attain smoother, firmer, and more vibrant skin.

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September 19, 2023Comments are off for this post.

Unveiling the Science Behind Wrinkle Prevention: How Muscle-Relaxing Injections Work

Wrinkles – those subtle or not-so-subtle lines etched onto our faces as we age, often a testament to a life well-lived. While they may tell a story, not everyone is ready to embrace their presence. Fortunately, there's a non-surgical solution that has gained popularity for its ability to prevent wrinkles and rejuvenate the skin

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September 19, 2023Comments are off for this post.

Reviving Your Youthful Contours: How Dermal Fillers Can Improve the Look of Jowls

The passage of time brings wisdom and experience, but it can also bring subtle changes to our appearance, such as the development of jowls. These sagging pockets of skin along the jawline can impact our self-esteem and how we feel about our facial aesthetics. If you're seeking a non-surgical solution to restore a more youthful appearance, dermal fillers might be the answer you're looking for.

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September 15, 2023Comments are off for this post.

Sculpting Your Body: The Power of Anti-Wrinkle Injections in the Trapezius Muscle or “Barbie Tox”

When we think of anti-wrinkle injections, we often associate them with facial aesthetics. However, there's more to these versatile injections than meets the eye. Beyond their well-known cosmetic applications, anti-wrinkle injections can also be strategically utilized in a less-talked-about area: the trapezius muscle. In this blog, we'll explore how anti-wrinkle injections can be harnessed for body sculpting, providing a holistic approach to enhancing your appearance.

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